Supporting SMEs at the first step
For many people, when they hear the magic word in the SME sector, Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP, they get the creeps. Most people associate it with the fact that it takes many months to implement and the cost is astronomical.
But what exactly determines how long it takes to implement such a system? Is it just a technological modernisation?
Not at all!
The successful implementation of such a system is made up of many factors, each of which takes time to prepare, but it is very important to coordinate them.
The successful implementation of an ERP depends on the following elements, which are in constant symbiosis with each other:
- A User who knows the business needs, is engaged, well trained and serves them with the right application.
- The optimized Business Process that sets up a set of rules for how an activity will be executed step-by-step.
- The up-to-date and appropriate Data Quality that is fed into the system, from which information can be extracted for day-to-day work.
- And Technology is the interface where the previous 3 factors meet and can be aligned.

Which of these elements is the most important?!
The correct answer is: ALL!
When implementing a system, all of these factors need to be planned for, because if one is missing, it can be really expensive and time-consuming to implement a new system. This allows flexibility to respond to external factors such as ever-changing market demands.
We look forward to hearing from you, or book a consultation online, even to try out our solutions is also possible
Manual, repetitive tasks
Intelligent automation solutions
Isolated divisions
Transparency and effective leadership
Slow reaction time
Real-time service provision
Inflexibility and growth constraints
Lost pieces of information
Collective knowledge base
Hidden Costs
Cost- and Resource Planning

The most beautiful webportal, the most impressive marketing tools are worth nothing if we don’t experience in practice how it all works!
We can give you access to our ClickUp as a Service system so that you not only get a positive first impression, but can decide if it’s really working for you?
Implementation of ClickUp as a Service
Implementing an ERP is a complex process, as the system needs to integrate all the company’s business processes.
This may involve migrating data from existing systems, reengineering processes and training employees to use the new system.
The technical challenges that arise during implementation and the need for change management also add to the complexity of implementation.
ClickUp offers a flexible, customizable platform that facilitates collaboration between different disciplines.
The system implementation process starts with a comprehensive As-Is analysis to estimate the delivery time and costs associated with the requirements, this is fully customised to the client.

We look forward to hearing from you, or book a consultation online, even to try out our solutions is also possible